
Thursday, 31 May

This morning I saw that the 6:13 train was running on time so decided that, rather than risk the 6.31, I would just go and get this one and it was a good call as a 6:31 waa 15 minutes late, the 6.44 being completely cancelled. My home time train amazingly ran on time, well two minutes late, but my word that is absolutely brilliant in comparison to how it's been.  I did notice that three trains in a row at my home time were cancelled between Piccadilly and Horwich though so I would have been stuffed if mine was also cancelled.

Wednesday, 30 May

I was working from home again today so didn't get the trains but I did get this screenshot from my train friend...

Tuesday, 29 May

Bank holiday yesterday, hence no post. Morning trains were all late again today.  I ended up getting on the delayed 6.13 and getting off at Oxford Road (I usually get off at Salford Central which is very near to my work).  My home time train was cancelled but I found out too late to get the earlier one which I would need to change on.  I therefore headed to Salford Central to get the 15:29, where I would then have to change at Salford Crescent or Bolton onto a train from Piccadilly.  The 15:29 was showing as on time when I left my office but, five minutes later when I arrived at the station, it was showing as delayed by nine minutes which would result in me missing the connecting train.  I therefore had to leg it across town to Deansgate Station to get the connecting train there, which I only just made it on time to - this train was actually on time!!!! 

Friday, 25 May

I actually feared for my life this morning. The train before mine (6.13) and the train after mine (6.44) were both cancelled due to 'a shortage of train crew'.  You'd think that would mean a couple of unused trains hanging around, which they could couple together to make one big train but of course this is Northern Rail we're talking about and the 6.31 turned up as... you guessed it... a two carriage pacer! It was utterly utterly awful.  I ended up standing on the door step leaning on the doors which are so old I feared they might burst open.  I wanted to take a photo of the overcrowding but I was that packed in that I couldn't even reach my phone.  At Bolton I thought a fight was going to break out as people were yelling and screaming.  They were telling people to move down the train but I have no idea where they expected anyone to go, did they think we should all sit on each others knees? This is a 6.31am train for crying out loud.  I can't imagine wha

Thursday, 24 May - Strike Day

I didn't even bother getting out of bed to get the train this morning and instead worked from home.  Good job really as, according to my train friend, it was absolute chaos. Had I been in the office, I would have gone over to Hindley as the first train there when the strikes are on is earlier than at Horwich (I start work at 7am) but it's a good job I didn't...

Wednesday, 23 May

The first train from Horwich was running late (again) this morning and the one after mine (6.44) was cancelled but thankfully mine wasn't too bad.  You can see from the screen shot though that the trains running the other way were also cancelled/delayed.

Tuesday, 22 May

My morning train today wasn't quite as bad as yesterday but was still late, as were all the others from Horwich Parkway. My evening train, however, didn't bother to show up.  Also, because the Blackburn train was running late, I couldn't get this to make a connection coming from Piccadilly so I ended up sitting in Bolton station for 25 minutes waiting for a later connection.